Distribution of the Barometer study by region
17% Western region
52%Central-northern region
31% South-eastern region
Waiting for Crimea to return home
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The Barometer is a study of the state of healthcare provision and patient needs in Ukraine, which ZDOROVI has been conducting regularly since the beginning of a full-scale war in 2022.

waves of research
completed surveys
Key findings in each study
Select a research wave to view the key findings for that period.
Main advantages of
the Barometer
Why we conduct the research
Informed decisions for improvement projects in medicine
Monitoring the state of the industry by independent experts
Support for healthcare workers and timely identification of patient needs
Barometer during all years
Q4 2022
1st wave of research
Q1 2023
2nd wave of research
Q3 2023
3rd wave of research
4 квартал 2023
4 хвиля досліджень
Q4 2023
4th wave of research
Q1 2024
5th wave of research
Current research
Assessment of the impact of military actions on the work of health care institutions
The direct threat to the life and health of doctors and patients continues to have a strong impact on the work of health care institutions, according to 54% of respondents. 30% indicated this impact as moderate or weak, 16% did not notice any impact on the work of health care institutions.
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