ZDOROVI presented a training manual for healthcare workers on ethical communication with veterans
Overcoming barriers in communication
The ZDOROVI team presented a training manual
on overcoming communication barriers in communication between healthcare workers and military personnel.

ZDOROVI presented the manual as part of the Doctor&Veteran project, which will last for a year. As part of the project, ZDOROVI experts conduct regular free trainings for healthcare workers and teach them ethical interaction with military personnel. The concept of the project was developed in partnership with the National Health Service of Ukraine.

The goal of the project is to provide doctors with the necessary knowledge and communication tools for effective communication with military personnel, which will contribute to improving the quality of medical services, reduce stress for both parties and prevent possible conflicts.

The manual was developed taking into account the specific needs and challenges that military personnel and healthcare workers face when receiving and providing medical care.

The manual contains detailed recommendations for medical workers regarding the rules and features of accompanying a military patient, the structure of effective counseling, and approaches to building a model from conflict to partnership between a doctor and a patient. The printed version of the ZDOROVI manual has already been sent to 100 of the largest medical institutions in the country.

The project is being implemented thanks to cooperation between ZDOROVI and the Dutch Vastenactie Foundation.
As the founder of the National Humanitarian Aid Agency ZDOROVI Nataliiaa Tulinova notes:

“Veterans are that part of society that requires special attention from fellow citizens. We help medical workers to create effective tools within their institutions for working with those returning from war and most often having injuries or other health problems. It should be taken into account that today Ukrainian hospitals operate in conditions of constant threat and humanitarian crisis. Due to psychological and physical stress, both hospital workers and patients may find themselves in conflict situations, so our common task is to minimize tension through communication and provide doctors with up-to-date knowledge about the rules for working with particularly sensitive categories of patients.”
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